Sunday, August 09, 2009

Update # 6

Hello everyone from Davis Park! Today was a long day for Soldados de Cristo. Our morning started very encouraging with a devo that Terry led, and then we got to experience the hard rain pouring on us during our drive to the school. Our team had a lot of time to do some thinking. Taylor had 1 reader, Terry had 2 readers, Jaclyn had 3 readers, and I had none. The part that is difficult about LST is that there are many readers who don't show up to their appointment, or that we have so many open slots in our schedule that we get a lot of down time. The last readers of the day were 2 teachers that never showed up for their appointment. That topped it off for us. We just shook our heads in disappointment as we left the school for the day. During the quiet car ride home, we all felt a spiritual reminder of why we are really here. We all thought about how we need to be more like Jesus in these difficult times, so we asked ourselves, "What would Jesus do?" We began discussing that it's not how many we have on the schedule, but the importance of those hearts we do touch. We are grateful for the time we have here in Panama, and for the many opportunities to build new relationships. Being reminded of that, it was then time for a party with those new relationships we had made this week. The party began at 7:00. We had pizza, colas, and brownies with ice cream for dessert. After the food and socializing, we started a fun game of Pictionary. Boys vs. Girls! There were about 14-15 of us all together! in Delo res' house for 2 1/2 hours. May I say, the girls ended up beating the boys by 10 points! Yeah!! There was so much laughter and excitement as the night continued. One of the teen boys that was here played the guitar and sang us some songs. A very talented teenager he is! As the night ended around 10:00, we helped clean up the house and are now settled down for bed. Thinking back to how the morning began, to the thoughts we were having in the mid-day, we are finally at peace. Thank you God for guiding us back to you when we drift away! Goodnight church family.

With Christian Love,


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