Monday, September 18, 2006

Family Response . . . Wedding in Central TX

I spent the better part of last week in central Texas with my sister and her family for the wedding of my niece. The wedding was different than most weddings that I officiate. Usually, when I perform a ceremony it is in a Christian context. Sadly, my sister and her family are only nominal Christians. It hurts to think about it or talk about it very much, so I pray about it, that is their relationship with God.
I was raised in a non-Christian home, one very committed to alcohol and its ability to numb the senses. Watching the events of the wedding unfold reminded me of why I worked so hard to not follow in the footsteps of my father in regards to drinking. Helping the newly married groom to a sofa to pass out on, reminded me of carrying my father to bed when he had too much to drink. Driving the bride and groom reminded me of doing the same for my father, once I learned to drive at 12 years old.
I love my sister and her family. If they read this post I want them to know how dear they are to me. However, I am forever grateful for God and Jesus taking me away from the drinking and all the ill affects it has on one's life.