Saturday, August 30, 2008

Louisanna Should Get Ready, Texas, too

I have monitoring the storm for the past 48 hours and at first was not convinced that it would hit Lousianna. I believe that the storm will hit somewhere between Houston, TX and New Orleans. Morgan City, La is the most likely spot. The Red Cross has made their plea for their national workers to place themselves on standby. Some of these folks will be shipping out tomorrow for a staging area I presume. My guess right now would be Little Rock, AR. If you are a DHSR member contact your local chapter and put your name on the list. There is going to be a need for shelter managers.
I am conflicted at the moment on what to do. I have some personal health goals that I have been working on for months, time out for storm duty could reek havoc with all this work. The conflict is wanting to be there to help those needing help. Pray for me and my family as we seek God's will in all of this.
Pray for those about to have their lives disrupted. Pray for God to lift the people who can help the most.
