Sunday, December 09, 2007

On the Blog Again. . .

We stopped for church at the Hilltop CofC in El Segundo,CA, LA area. Next we went to lunch in Malibu at Jack in the Box. It is crazy to think of all the places to eat in Malibu and we ate where we did. After church I was standing talking to friends from past relief work, when I noticed something cool. Hilltop is a mobile church, all the chairs have to be packed up and moved. Our teens without any direction from Aaron or I were helping take the chairs down. Again it is so nice to have teens like we have had on the trip.

We have enjoyed it all. More pics tomorrow.

Buddy Gray

Blogging on the Road Home. . . .

Last night I slept well except for the noise of Brett and Aaron getting sick in the middle of the night. Exhaustion tooks its toll on Aaron, he could not warm up last night and then his body decided not to except the steak he had for supper. Brett felt bad but looks ok the morning, Aaron is doing ok and driving, I am riding with him in case he becomes fatigued. Right now we are on the 405 coming up on the 605.

I will blog more later . . .

Buddy Gray