Hola Davis Park Family!
Our team has come up with a team name: Soldados de Cristo, which means Soldiers of Christ. Isn't that great!? Well, anyway, just thought that would be fun to share with you. On Monday, we showed up to the school where we are doing LST at 9:00am, and the school was not prepared to have us start that day, so we had a free day. When we realized we had a free day, we weren't sure what we were going to do. But, Raul, which is Delores' son-in-law, found something fun for us to do. So, here is where our adventure started. Raul needed us to come pick him up because his car broke down on the freeway. Does he call anyone from Panama? No, he calls us to go find him and his mother. By the way, listening to Taylor talk to Raul on the phone trying to get directions to where they are stranded was so funny to hear. Terry of course was driving us, and being very patient with the whole thing. Jaclyn and I were in the back seat of Delores' van just having too much fun. :) Once we figured out we were lost, the laughing and frustration kicked in. Besides the fact we were all hungry and just wanted to go home and rest, we couldn't leave our lost friends stranded. I can't tell you how many time Raul called Taylor, and Taylor called Raul to find out where we were and if we were headed in the right direction. During the adventure, we seemed to notice a funny thing about Panama. We noticed, the more hungry and tired we are, we don't pronounce words correctly. For instance, I decided to say "roller sockey" instead of roller hockey. Ya...I don't know what I was trying to say there, but everyone thought it was a hoot. While we were sitting in Panamanian traffic, Taylor was on the phone with Raul, when all of a sudden she pulls the phone away from her ear and looks at us (with Raul still talking like Taylor was listening), she then says with a very serious t! one, "I can't understand what he is saying and I'm getting aggravated." Between the tone in her voice and the look on her face, we all began to laugh. This could not have been happening! It was so hilarious! She laughed about it moments later. I know what you all are thinking...Why didn't you ask for directions? Well, we finally did and they all told us we were headed in the right direction. THEY WERE WRONG!! Once we realized we had been going the wrong way for 1 hour, Raul finally figured out some landmarks that we could see to help us find him. So, once we found those landmarks (McD's & Pizza Hut), after another 45 minutes, Taylor called Raul again, and told him we were here. One thing that Raul never shared with us was that he had already caught a taxi to pick them up. Can we say this trip was a waste of time...sure...but we had a great time doing it all together. Before returning to the "great" traffic in Panama, we parked ourselves at Pizza Hut for lunch. Oh but wait...that's not the end...Terry decided to lose his phone. He said, "I can't find my phone, Taylor, what did you do with it?" Taylor was almost sure she had given him his phone back. Just then, Terry looks down and realizes he had his phone in his hand. This ride was a fun adventure for all of us. :)
With Christian Love,
nice article. I would love to follow you on twitter.
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