Saturday, June 10, 2006

Family Promise . . . Last night

This is the last night of this rotation of Family Promise. It is always amazing to see how we respond to taking care of the needs of the families in FP. Tonight we have a family of four and a single mom who finishes her shift at 2:00 a.m. Our volunteers will get up when she arrives to let her in. I appreciate their dedication to this great work. I am always worn out by the last day and this is no different. Managing the familes and making sure our volunteers all have a good experience takes a little work. Sheila and Jennifer Smith are great volunteer managers for this program. They are dedicated to making Jesus available to the people in this program, I applaud the work they do God in this program. We wll have had over 30 volounteers involved by the end of tomorrow when we take the beds to the next Church.

I will blog more tomorrow about this great program. Pray for the families in the program.
