Monday, October 20, 2008

Bridge City Work Day 3

Today at the Lovelace house our crew took on a large muck job. This house had over 5 ft of water in it. The floors were oozing moisture it had gotten so wet. The house was filled with a lot of odor, especially when the toilet was taken off of the wax seal to be moved to the trash pile. The debris pile was as big as any I have ever seen at the end of a job. We put in 64 man hours to finish the job. Its an honor to be able to start the process of drying out a house for a family that needs the help. We drove to the Gulf today after working all day. We saw all the usual sights in the wake of a hurricane. Boats in the wrong places, houses flattened, lives changed forever. There was a serenity at the Gulf at sunset. It is hard to believe that it can get so angry and do so much damage. Pictures will have to wait, I am too tired to continue . . . Keep praying for the people of Bridge City.



Anonymous said...


4SisterFarm said...

Please give your crew a hug for us and let them know that their family at Davis Park is praying for them. Also let those you meet in Bridge City know that we are praying for them too. We are very proud that you are there making a difference and bringing honor to our Lord. Love you guys. R+R