Saturday, November 17, 2007

Family Promise/ Return Trip News

Family Promise group will show up this next week as the Thanksgiving Holiday is concluding. My heart goes out to these people without a home at this time of the year. I have many fond memories of holidays in the comfort of my home and the homes of my family. For those in the program our building becomes their home and we the members become their family for a brief time. I know it is not easy to give up the comforts of your home, because I know how much I enjoy mine. We need a couple of families still to finsih off the list of night hosts. It is a blessing everytime for Krista, Matthew and I. Matthew enjoys the time with the kids. Let Jesus be demonstrated by your love for others as we host the week of the 25th of November.

We are still planning on leaving December 6th for the areas affected by the fires in San Diego County. If you are planning on going let me know as soon as possible so that I can let Hilltop know how many of us they can expect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, let us know what we can do!