Saturday, August 19, 2006


Things continue to go well for the FP week. We have finished up six days and are into our final day. Last night Jim and Delores Greff stayed the evening, they brought Jadyn and Jordan their grandchildren with them. What a great way for the kids to see faith in action, by being a part of helping with this minsitry. The meal provided by Theo and Carol was great, what a blessing for two of our seniors to feed the family and my family. The mexican casserole was great. The corn was like it was fresh off the cob. Brownies and Peanut butter cookies mmmm. The kids were restless last night, so Krista took them to Block Buster to pick out some movies. They had a blast. Matthew (my son ) has had a blast with Isaiah the five year old family member.
One more dinner, one more night and one more breakfast and we move the beds to the next church. I'll have one more entry on this FP adventure.


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