Thursday, July 27, 2006

Heatwave continues but the Delta Breeze is helping

Since my last post we spent two days in the cooling centers set up by Stanislaus County and the American Red Cross. I was allowed to be the lead at the King -Kenedy Memorial Center. The two days I was there we had about 130 people come through and get water and take a break from the heat. So far in the county we have had over 15 deaths, with more people who have succumb to the heat waiting to be found. As Red Cross gigs go this one was pretty laid back. Our center saw a lot of latch key kids from the neighborhood. Normally they spend their days hanging out in the park doing City Recreation classes. Thank goodness they could come in and get out of the heat for a while.
My hats off to Pam Gonzales, Art Turgeon, Jim and Jackie Cole for volunteering to make a difference for God in this event.

Pray for a few weeks of cooler weather, we need a break!

make a difference

Buddy Gray

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