Friday, June 30, 2006

Davis Park Missions. . .

Krista Gray, my wife, arrived in East Kilbride, Scotland today and everything seems to be going well. They took a couple hour nap after arriving and went to the church building for food and fellowship. When I talked to her there was a lot of laughter in the background. Tommorrow(in just a few hours) they will go door to door to invite people to the Holiday Bible School and to the gospel meeting Dale Foster will be preaching. Let us hold them up in prayer as they bring Christ's message.

John Greff and Walter Leonard have headed for Guyamas, Mexico today. They will be there for a week working with a medical missions team from Nashville. Walter will preaching a meeting for the local church while he is there. John will help dispense glasses while there. Pray for them as they take the good news to foreign soil.

Matthew and I are doing well. He misses his mommy. He woke up crying in the middle of the night wanting Krista. He went back to sleep after a half hour or so. I remind him that we are doing our part this time by staying at home. Not everyone gets to go everytime.

The Red Cross is looking for some volunteers to deploy to the east coast immediately! They will pay airfare and expenses. They are accepting two week commitments or longer. This is a great opportunity to take Christ to a disaster zone.

Pray for our people on missions abroad, pray for ys to do our work here.

make a difference for Him,


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