Saturday, October 01, 2005

A Funny Thing happened on our way to Slidell . . .

Greetings from Alexandria(Pineville), LA. . .

Glen, Jerry(Yvonne's Dad) and I had a great flight out. The run from one side of IAH to the other side was interesting. We had twenty five minutes to make the flight once we were at the gate. We made it to the bus that was to transport us out to the puddle jumper, when Glen remembered he had left my notebook in the Men's Room. He sprinted and made it back before the bus left. Picture the Hertz commerical with superstars hurdleing over chairs and bags, that was Glen, running and jumping. We were the last three on the plane, but we made it.

In Alexandria we found a Taxi to take us to the Hotel(2 mi.) for $23.00. The rent car company closed at 5:oop.m. so we had no choice. The Super 8 was looking good after a hectic week in Modesto, we were thinking one last night of a/c. God,however had other plans. The Super 8 was full, Expedia never got the word. God blessed us. We started calling local churches(after calling all the local hotels). The Pineville Church of Christ 's minister answered the phone. He picked us up and put us up at the local church building with a/c, kitchen, showers etc and internet. Don Gelles the pulpit minister is great servant of God and provided great feloowship. The ribs were wonderful at Outlaw barbeque. What a day!
We are off and running to serve God.
We just talked to Paul with the caravan, they were in Flagstaff and moving down the road toward Gallup. No problems on the road. . .

Keep us in yor prayers.

looking to serve


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